Boots And Wraps: When Are They Needed?

Boots And Wraps: When Are They Needed?

As horse owners, we are constantly looking for ways to keep our horses healthy and happy. One thing that many individuals may be a little confused about is the need for protective boots and wraps on the legs. Continue reading for a breakdown of popular protective legwear and footwear methods.


Splint Boots

Splint boots are a popular and cost effective method of leg protection. There are multiple different brands and types of splint boots that serve different purposes, but generally speaking, splint boots are an excellent way to prevent the horse from accidentally injuring them during a ride. Some horses have issues with cross-stepping and injuring one leg with another, while others may tend to clip a rail or two while jumping.


Polo Wraps

Polo Wraps

Polo Wraps

Polo wraps serve a very similar purpose to splint boots, though they should not be applied unless the individual is confident in their wrapping ability. Polo wraps can be extremely beneficial, but when applied incorrectly, they can cut off circulation to the leg and cause damage. They are best used during a ride or during transport, as the wrap has the potential to become unwrapped if the horse steps on them.


Bell Boots

Bell boots are an excellent option for horses who tend to clip their front hooves, which can cause damage to the shoe or hoof. They are most useful for horses that are stalled for long periods of time, or while shipping.


While these are just a few methods of protecting the legs, these are the most popular and most successful. Every horse’s situation is unique, so take a look at your horse’s situation to determine which method would be best to ensure that their legs are as protected as possible in order to prevent injury or lameness.


Horse Photographer

+1 [561] 245-0634


IG @imaginemediahouse


IG: @enriqueurdaneta

How To Cope With Soreness And Stiffness Caused By Riding

How To Cope With Soreness And Stiffness Caused By Riding

How To Cope With Soreness And Stiffness Caused By Riding


It’s certainly no secret that riding is an extremely physically demanding sport. Sometimes, we walk away from a ride feeling great. Other times, we walk away feeling pretty sore or stiff. Continue reading for some tips for coping with soreness and stiffness caused by riding.



Like with any other sport, stretching before and after a ride can cause a night and day difference in the way your body handles a good workout. Take a few moments before and after each ride to do some good stretching to help your muscles relieve tension and aid in the recovery from the workout. You’d be surprised what a massive difference just a few minutes of stretching can make!


 Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated helps decrease inflammation in the body. We all know that a good ride, especially in the summer, is more than enough to break a sweat. To compensate for the fluids you lose in sweat, make sure that you stay hydrated. Bring a large refillable water bottle with you to the barn, and make it a goal to finish at least one bottle before the time you leave.


Don’t Push Yourself

It’s good to feel the burn, but sometimes your body may be telling you to slow down. Pace yourself; when you expect to be doing more riding than usual, or if you suspect that your ride will be a little more physically challenging than usual, be sure to do some extra stretching before and after, and take it easy for the next couple rides, if possible.


Riding can be an excellent form of exercise, and there is no doubt that it keeps us and our muscles in great shape. Use the tips you learned here to cope with soreness from riding so you can continue getting right back in the saddle!


Horse Photographer

+1 [561] 245-0634


IG @imaginemediahouse


IG: @enriqueurdaneta